miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

La mujer que calculaba

Autora: Ana Isabel Barreto Mendoza
Nacionalidad: Colombiana
Diplomada en Ciencias Empresariales
Postgrado en Análisis Financiero
Formadora en Formación Ocupacional
*Serie: Relatos sobre inmigración cualificada y mujeres profesionales extranjeras

Estoy sentada en una silla, frente al ordenador de la oficina, en  la empresa para la que trabajo actualmente. Miro por la ventana y veo a una amiga que trabajó en la misma urbanización donde yo laboré hace 6 años cuidando 3 niños.
Salí y la saludé: ¡hola Rita!, ¿cómo estás?, ¡tanto tiempo!
Ella  me pregunto: ¿trabajas aquí?
-Sí, sí, le contesté, ¿y tú qué haces?
-Aquí cuidando a esta señora. Ah, mira te presento a mi jefa.
-Mucho gusto señora, y seguidamente ella me preguntó: - ¿Usted es la señora que cuidaba los niños de Pepita?
-Si era yo. ¿Por qué?
¿Cómo te pudiste aguantar tanto  tiempo en esa casa?, a esa señora no le duraban las cuidadoras.
-Pues…. Yo,  estuve casi 5 años y adoro tanto a los niños como a sus padres, fueron encantadores y me trataron con mucho respeto,  cada vez que puedo los visito. Le contesté

-Bueno, ¿y tú qué haces? Retomé la conversación con mi vieja amiga Rita. Ya  homologaste tu titulo?
-Sí, pero no encuentro trabajo como contable, sólo como teleoperadora, y me ofrecen 700€, de sueldo y la verdad no me compensa.  Gano mas como interna cuidando a esta señora, me paga 800€, incluido el alquiler y la  comida  lo que me permite  enviar  dinerito a mi país para hacer mi casa para cuando esté viejecita tener dónde llegar. Además he podido viajar  a Italia, Francia, Portugal y  muchos otros países de Europa.
-Ah, ¡qué bien!  Afirmé con la cabeza, un tanto desconcertada y  medité varios segundos,  - Yo trabajando de Auxiliar administrativa escasamente conozco Madrid.

¿Tú cómo estás? Me preguntó: ¿tu hija,  tu esposo, ya los trajiste? ¿Cómo estás llevando el tema de la  crisis Ana?
-Bueno, estoy,… no mejor que otros,  pero tampoco peor que otras personas.
-Quise comprar un piso,  calculé, eché números, me puse a pensar, que en ese momento de bonanza laboral, ganábamos más o menos un buen sueldo junto con mi hija, pero no eran trabajos de contrato indefinidos, y ante la incertidumbre, decidimos no hipotecarnos.
-Quise comprarme un coche, eché números, calculé y en el primer año pagaba poco pero al quinto año pagaría 3 veces el valor del coche, así que desistí.
-Comenzamos a oír rumores de la crisis, y aunque el gobierno lo negaba, me dije: “Cuando el río suena piedras lleva”, entonces con mi hija  comenzamos a ahorrar; nos cohibimos mucho, dejamos de ir  al cine, a paseos y  mercadillos pero eso sí, comíamos bien, aunque sin excesos.

También te cuento que hace 5 años reagrupé a mi esposo,  pero aún no encuentra empleo.  Mi hija ya casi termina su carrera de ingeniería química industrial,  trabaja a  tiempo parcial, para  poder  matricularse en más créditos en la Universidad.

Yo trabajo aquí  con un contrato comercial, gano 800€,  tengo que pagar 273€ de seguridad social,  650€ de alquiler 100€ de comida, y 60€ del bono transporte, como verás no puedo mandar a mi país, pero  afortunadamente  estoy apoyando la educación de mi hija.

¿Pero como haces?, ¡no me salen las cuentas!, -me respondió Rita.
-Bueno, tengo que ayudarme con talleres de manualidades  que doy en las asociaciones,  Centros Especiales para Inmigrantes, CEPIS, concienciando a las  participantes  acerca de  la importancia de utilizar la técnica del reciclaje, y contribuyendo en pequeña medida al Desarrollo Sostenible. Para esto elaboramos  collares, pulseras, cortinas,   reciclamos  recortes de tela para hacer  colchas, almohadones, cojines y con el cartón realizamos estuches para regalos. Así  los participantes  rescatan su propia creatividad y hacen cosas muy bonitas que luego pueden vender en los  mercados solidarios.
-¡Qué bien!, me contestó Rita.
-Y para terminar, le conté: -Estuve 9 meses sin trabajo entonces decidí  hacer cursos de Asociacionismo, Planes de Empresa, emprendimiento y realmente  me han servido como herramienta para mi profesión.
-Bueno Ana, me alegra que estés bien. Ya me despido,  parece que mi jefa ha terminado de hacer el trámite en el banco.
-Bueno Rita, cuídate mucho y te deseo éxitos. 

Nos despedimos,  me volví a mi silla de trabajo y me puse a calcular: si trabajara como teleoperadora  le pagarían  700€,  tendría que pagar 300€ de alquiler de una habitación, 150€ comida, 60€ transporte y alrededor de 100€ de servicios, sin derecho a ocio,  ropa y otros gastos; le quedarían 90€  que podría mandarlos a su  país. En cambio trabajando interna, no tiene  esos gastos. ¡Qué bien!

A la salida del trabajo, llegué al piso que tengo alquilado desde hace 6 años en una tercera planta, cansada, me senté en el mismo sofá de siempre, encendí  la televisión y tomé el “mando”: Canal TV, dicen las noticias que la prima de riesgo ha subido en 560 puntos porcentuales, y pensé: Muy grave, esto no da confianza a los inversores entonces  cambio de canal y dicen que “hemos ganado” la Liga, la Copa del Rey y la Eurocopa y no sé qué más. Pero, ¿hemos ganado? pues yo miré mi cuenta de ahorros y está igual, no he ganado un duro más.
Estamos Como en la época de los romanos “Pan y Circo”.

Lo que sí es fácil calcular, sin mucho algoritmo,  es que tanto las personas de tercera edad, familias, restaurantes,  niños de éste hermoso país,  multinacionales y grandes empresas privada y públicas, han tenido cuidadoras, limpiadoras y  otros  trabajadores de mucho  nivel,  de gran  calidad humana y profesional;  es indiscutible que se han favorecido económicamente  de las mujeres profesionales  e inmigrantes.

Aquí estamos soportando hombro a hombro con los nativos, la tan conocida crisis.

Searcher for work

Author: Erica Aladino
Nationality: Colombian
Degrees in Psychology and Social Education
Experience in: Health Education, teaching of Social and Personal Skills and social projects
* Series: Stories about skilled immigration and foreign professional women

She was very nervous in her office, breathing shortly, looking at the computer clock and glancing rapidly to the corridor.
It was obvious that Marina was expecting someone.
"Hello, I have an appointment" said a woman, supporting herself on the door frame.
Marina greeted her in a cold and formal way. "Sit down please Madam."

The lady began to talk: "Look, I have a big problem. I am an unemployed woman of more than 45 years old, and know very well that companies do not want to know anyone of my age. I have a lot of experience as a secretary and administrative worker. Do you think you will be able to help me? Is there any work in this?"

Marina replied: "Because of your personal situation, you belong to one of the so called groups in risk of social exclusion; this is a citizen involved centre of integration and our objective is to assist you with the resources that we have or direct you to other suitable assistance."
Whilst Marina was telling her this, she was looking at the woman's arms and elbows on the desk, looking at her dress and jacket, her nails, earrings, and her hair. All the while, below the desk, she was continuously tapping her left foot.

A few minutes past, and the woman, sitting upright, was holding on to both sides of the chair, and when she wasn't doing this, she was strumming her fingers on her skirt.
"Well, as I have said to you, the employment project that we run here looks for work for disabled people, women victims of violence and to immigrants, but because of your situation, I can include you."
At that precise moment, an email arrived to Marina's mailbox, which she read out of the corner of her eye. Marina, it's me, Ana. Is everything alright? If you need anything, just let me know. I'm very close by!
The direct look from the woman made her resume her attention to the meeting.
"Yes, yes, Miss, I understand all that you say to me, that one must help those that need it. Aye those poor ones! “Said the woman, shrugging her shoulders and clapping her hands abruptly on the table.”If you didn't help them, just see how this country would be, a barbarous one. How could you not!"

 When Marina heard the last comment, she breathed deeply, swallowed saliva and lightly snapped the fingers of her right hand. She began then to look at the job offers she had in hand.
It was clear that the girl was going through a bad spell, since at various moments that she could, she would steal a glance to the corridor, as if she wanted to run from the place.
Whilst she was reviewing the job offers, the visitor would not stop nervously from talking. With a high and screechy voice: "of all the companies that I've worked in, which are for numerous years as secretary to management of various firms and now with the crisis, they have been giving me the boot, like an old useless dog."

Marina, at the same time, remembered a telephone conversation she had received three days ago. It was when her work colleague, Rodrigo said to her:
- Marinita, you have to take this call. There is some lady, I think she is Spanish and is full of complaints in order that they close down this little place.
"And? What do I have to do with all of this?" She replied.
The lady says we are obliged to look for work for her, and as you are the one who is responsible in that area…

Marina took the phone and Rodrigo put the call on speaker, keeping his eye on his work colleague the whole time.
"I'm the person responsible for employment. Tell me how I can help you?"
"Listen, you are obliged to help me look for work. I have just spoken with a place that tells me that you help immigrants. What else do they need? They get vouchers to eat, buy books, other social assistance, and now this! No wonder they don't want to return to their own country."
Marina breathed deeply and answered: There are many various employment projects, each and every one of them directed to specific groups, including those that help locals find work. This includes the European Community and not just Spain.

"I don't care what you say. I’m fed up with the polite words and niceties. One must help me out in my desperate situation and at my poor age. I'm sick of having to go from one place to the next, like a yoyo" said the woman on the other side of the phone.
"Before you come to the office I just want to make it clear that this place is especially directed at women victims of violent crime, disabled people and immigrants, ok? I have made an appointment for you for this Thursday at 12pm. When you arrive, please ask for Marina Castaneda."

Marina continued reviewing all her paperwork, with the misfortune that she wasn't finding anything suitable, in reference to the professional profile of the woman in front of her. She was unable to concentrate in her search due to the continuous complaints she was hearing. In a high voice, she went on and on about the government, the crisis, the bad weather, and above all, the cold temperature of the office. " And why don't you put on the heating?" she exclaimed.

Touching her brow, and feeling the sweat that was pouring from her, she said: " Please give me your documentation that you have brought with you"  The woman, hesitating, glancing towards the floor, acting very nervously, looked in her bag, but before doing so asked: " so will you help me?"
Marina turned pale and answered: “it’s my job."
The woman then timidly passed over her documents, the first being her curriculum. This time, with her head hung low, and with a low voice she says: "as you will be able to see in my CV, I have work references also."

“I will help you in building and activating a search plan, looking at all avenues, knocking on many doors, so that all the companies within Madrid and its surrounding areas know of you."
Both got up, and Marina extended her hand to close the meeting and say goodbye, though the woman responded by giving her a huge hug.

"I’m Maria Teresa Beltran, I spoke with you three days ago."
"I know", answered Marina.
" And why didn't you tell me you were an immigrant?" replied the woman.

*Special collaboration and translation: Elaine Connor

Brief career summary

Erica Aladino

My education, a degree in Social Education, has allowed me to work in diverse fields such as Health Education, giving workshops on prevention and community health to both the immigrant and Spanish population. I have also been able to work as a teacher of Social and Personal Skills with groups of social exclusion, such as those with a disability.
This training brings together my other studies related to health, with the psychology degree, the occupational training and being a leisure and free time instructor has allowed me to face projects of occupational resources, active work search, orientation and work intermediation, support in leisure.